Author: Tony
Masked Rider: Hitting the gas
To say that everything hurts would be a monumental overstatement. The dust was so thick around him, breathing was almost impossible, never mind seeing clearly. He grits his teeth against the pain as his left arm screamed in pain at the effort of moving beneath the rubble that had collapsed on him. It would have…
Power Rangers: Tides of Darkness – Chapter 5
Golden Warriors Trey stood on the edge of the balcony, looking out over the capital city of Triforia, his gaze stern but troubled. The golden sheen of his personal Zord,Pyramidas glimmered in the light of the three moons that hung overhead. His brown eyes and tanned muscular face were an emotional void. He wore his…
Power Rangers: Tides of Darkness – Chapter 4
The Opening Gambit “Finster!” Rita Repulsa bellowed, with a voice that could peel the paint from a house. “Where is that new monster? I’ve been waiting a week!” With her white, pointed hair bouncing up and down as she paced up and down the balcony of her castle. Her gown was the color of dried…
Power Rangers: Tides of Darkness – Chapter 3
The Players The winter was harsh in Montana. The snow beat down like the rain from great flood, coating everything in a smooth white glaze. Tommy Oliver stared out the window at sight he hadn’t seen since his family moved to Angel Grove, a white Christmas. He’d never been sad during the week before his…
Power Rangers: Tides of Darkness – Chapter 2
Games Gods Play The Eternal stood in the darkness a few moments longer, observing the events that took place before him, watching each image with the cold, lifeless stare of a fanatic scientist with the need to prove himself. Clutching his foldless,black robes to his side, he walked to the side of the eerie pitch…
Power Rangers: Tides of Darkness – Chapter 1
The Day of Light Note: The PRZ story sequences take place after “Power Rangers Zeo: Good as Gold”, while the MMPR story sequences take place after “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Green Candle” It was the beginning of the perfect day for Adam Park, the birds were singing their joy, the grass was a bright…
Power Rangers: Tides of Darkness – Prologue
Shades of Things to Come In the great infinite of void of deepest space, where the most abundant feature is the all-consuming, dark emptiness and silence, where there are no stars, only the insignificant pinpricks of light, that litter the distant galaxies. No one would believe that this place once held a beautiful, lush, a…
Power Rangers: Tides of Darkness
Disclaimer/Authors Notes 2023 Tony update- I’m posting this complete with typos for the hell of it. I would like to think I’ve improved as a writer in the last decades, so this should serve to keep me humble. —– (Smelly old 21st century legal crap, spiffy new edition of said legal crap just switch Saban…
Uzumaki – Chapter 3
Chapter 3 If she could hide the sigh that always escaped her lips when she walked in the door, she never actually tried. It was an ongoing joke among the up and coming jounin that any visit to the office of the Hokage would always find him in the same spot when they walked in.…