Tag: Fan-fiction

  • Uzumaki – Chapter 1

    I love being wrong… It was almost a scene out of a movie, he thought, standing there on the bow of the great ship, his bare leg raised and resting atop the safety railing, his pose appearing slightly heroic in the setting he found himself in now. The sun rested high above him in the…

  • Uzumaki – Prologue

    Prologue Always the same… She found herself here once more, as she always did, floating in an ocean darker than a shadow cast on a moonless night, submerged beneath its waters, though not struggling for breath as she let the currents of the deep water carry her slowly toward into its depths, not resisting in…

  • Uzumaki

    A fiction by Onirenjaa *This page was originally posted to Fanfiction.net. So thank them for formatting. Disclaimer: I don’t own this damn thing. Kishimoto Musashi-san does. I am creating this bastardization of his intellectual property for no profit, and loss of precious time I could possibly devote to something that could pay me money, or…